
Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog.
I am Dorien. I work as an illustrator and textile artist.
I am fascinated by living more naturally (treehouses, ecovillages, feeling our connection to the earth and everything there is, ...), all textile crafts and spirituality. On this blog I will write about my experiences, discoveries and the things that make me happy; my illustration and creation-work!

With my work I hope to support projects and ideas that make this world a more beautiful and loving place and that help us shift to a new paradigm. Also, I try to erase the wall between 'real' everyday life and fairytales, wonder and fantasy; the re-enchantment of our lives. Things are not as grey as they seem.. I write a bit more about that here...

Over here I write about responsibility while creating.. I promise to be respectful towards our Mother Earth.

I will not be blogging about facts. Facts do not concern me, unless they deepen my knowledge of the things I am experiencing at that moment. I am interested in experiences, what something feels like and what makes peoples hearts happy. Truths from the heart.
The funny thing is that often those truths resemble facts already written down. Now they become interesting.

I hope you enjoy reading! Feel free to send me a message.