Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome to the world of people who need money

Life is like a juggling act (how cheesy to start a blog post with this). It's true. I worked a bit extra to pay the rent. Okay. Then I finally got to go back to the studio to do some sketching, or so I thought. And then I got sick. Probably my body telling me not taking a break was not a good idea.

Enough with the whining. Now this post is to celebrate the fact that I'm healthy (sort of) and back to my brushes and paint and working on a book that is going to be fantastic! I've been wanting to tell more about this and I feel like it's appropriate to do so now. Ana Magdalena Zainea wrote a series of wonderful, short stories on emotions and nature. The characters in this book are animals, plants and trees. And I will be illustrating it!

- Ana's (Dutch) website-


Anna - stickande trädgårdsmästare said...

First time a visit you blog, and I feel happy for you that you seem to get to do something you love. Good luck with the illustrating!

Dorien Ruben said...

Thank you so much Anna! :)